The best olive oil in all shapes and sizes for retail

We produce olive oil on our own land in Crete and that of friendly neighbors. Our benchmark? Producing organic olive oil of the highest quality as the Greek farmer likes it. Discover more soon!

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An honest family product

Every day, the Gkazas family, friendly farmers on Crete and all our partners do their utmost to get our beautiful olive oil straight from the Cretan mountains to the consumer’s (kitchen) table. Our goal is to charge fair purchasing and selling prices for everyone we work with, without making any concessions on the quality of our organic, extra virgin olive oil. And you can taste that again!

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From tree to bottle

Elke winter oogsten we onze Kretenzische olijven. Eerst tikken we ze voorzichtig met de hand uit de boom. De olijven worden verzameld in netten zodat we ze kunnen scheiden van de bladeren en takken. Aan het einde van de dag gaan alle geoogste olijven samen in jute zakken naar de pers.

The olives are washed, ground and cold pressed the same day at a local press on Crete. We immediately have organic extra virgin olive oil as the end result. A pure and honest family product full of taste and passion!

After a (extensive) period of self-filtering, the olive oil is bottled and transported to the Netherlands by truck. In the Netherlands we deliver the extra virgin olive oil with our own courier service by car or cargo bike.

Want to taste Gkazas Olive Oil? You can request a free sample via this page. In addition, our website offers various delicious recipes to fully enjoy our Greek olive oil (together with others). After all, Gkazas Olive Oil brings good people together!

An extensive offering

The Gkazas family of products consists of cans and bottles in different sizes. This way you can choose the perfect formats for your target group!

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